Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fernando Ortega, here I come! :)

Ack! A month without posting! What's happened to me?

Well, to be honest -- not a lot has happened to me. I can't say that I've done anything significant or out-of-the-ordinary this month, and I guess that's why I haven't been posting. Whoops.

One cool thing I did do this month was preach. It was my third sermon ever, and I'm still not used to it. I preached out of Jeremiah and Hebrews on the new covenant and how it allows us to enter into the Lord's presence -- not like it used to be, where only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies, only once a year, and only after a sacrifice was made. I discussed how Christ served as both the high priest and the sacrifice, and how He entered not an earthly Holy of Holies, but a heavenly one. When He made that sacrifice He gave us two things: 1) salvation and eternal life if we choose it -- this is the thing that most people think of -- and 2) the ability to enter into His presence on a regular basis. I then went on to explain how we should be when we do enter His presence: I used Hebrews 10:22 to name four characteristics we should have: a devoted heart, a surrendered life, a clean conscience, and internal purification. If you want more details let me know, but that's the gist of it.

Tonight I am taking the 8 PM bus from Laoag to Manila with several women from the church and other nearby churches. That's a 10-hour bus ride for those of you who don't know, and I'm praying I'll spend most of it asleep!!! We will be attending the Just Give Me Jesus crusade this February 2nd in Manila's Araneta Coliseum (fun fact: it's the largest coliseum in the country!). Anne Graham Lotz will be the main speaker, and Fernando Ortega is leading worship. It's an all-day event, and I'm so excited! We'll be spending Feb. 1 out and about in Manila, which is something I haven't done yet so I look forward to that as well.

And, as always, I'm anxiously awaiting SUMMER! (For me here that means late March through mid-June.) Maybe I'll actually get a tan - because right now I'm still just about as white as it gets. :]



Willie said...

Wow, this is incredible! When your dad and I were in India the Lord impressed this same message upon my heart and immediately upon getting home and returning to the young (25 - 35) singles class that I teach...I taught on it!

And the most incredible part about it all is not that we can come boldly before His throne of grace in prayer...but that we actually LIVE in the HOLY of HOLIES every second of every minute of EVERY DAY of our lives!

Your teaching is right on here! Keep up the good work and I hope to see you in May...Lord willing.

Grace and Peace,
