Thursday, January 3, 2008

Life Lesson #3

God uses every opportunity to teach us something, and we need to accept that and be thankful for it.

Until recently, probably just this year, I was one of those people who constantly asked God (and others, but mainly God) "why." -- Why are You allowing this to happen? Why do I have to go through this? Why is everything so hard? But now, I'm not. I can't ask why because I'm realizing that if for nothing else, most things I go through happen because God is trying to teach me. Little things like a friend making a rude comment to me or big things like moving to the Philippines -- they're all lessons. I feel thankful because God is giving me huge amounts of understanding. If I'm going through a hard time I understand why it's happening, I understand how God is using it to grow me and to glorify Him. I may be miserable, but I get it, and that allows me to be thankful. I used to wonder how we could possibly be thankful and joyful in all circumstances, because some things seem purely awful, but now I see that I'm learning, and that in and of itself is something to be thankful for.
